Interviews for HVT Assistance Scheme
With the start of the new school year fast approaching, in November the Trust’s team in Malaysia interviewed potential new candidates for the HVT assistance scheme.

Jeannie Choke, one of our Assunta tutors, writes,
The interview for new applicants was conducted on Saturday, 15 Nov 2014. It was held in the Library of the school from 10 a.m to 12 p.m. There were 16 new applicants and the interview was conducted by Shariza, Zuli and Pn. Harvinder, a teacher in Assunta who helps to oversee the HVT programme.

Many of the parents who came for the interview were hopeful that their daughters would be given the opportunity to get into the HVT programme. They said that the assistance rendered would definitely lift a burden off their shoulders. As lorry drivers, cab drivers, labourers and part-time wage earners, their income is only sufficient to pay for their basic needs. They cannot possibly afford to send their daughters for private tuition, hence the importance of the HVT free tutoring scheme, together with the other benefits they receive.
The free school uniforms, sport attire, socks, shoes, stationery and bags received saved each family of at least RM250 for a schooling child. For these families who earn a meagre income, a saving of RM250 means putting many simple meals on the table or even paying for utility bills.

Thank You...

“I like to attend HVT tuition because it makes my family happy. I am lucky to be given a school bag, food, shoes, books and pencils. I say “Thank you” to Mr Martin. I want to pray to my God, so that God can make him happy.”
Pavitra A/P Mahendran Std 3