Karena Ghaus Memorial Cycle and Run

On the weekend of 15-16 August 2020, Harinder’s son, Ravi, organised and participated in the ‘Karena Ghaus Memorial Cycle and Run’, in memory of former trustee Karena Ghaus. The event had two dimensions: 14 people cycled around Richmond Park, most of whom cycled a total of 46 miles, while a few others did 19 miles. At the same time, 18 people from various parts of the world (including the US, Sweden, Germany, Korea, Canada, China, Singapore, and Malaysia) completed a mixture of cycle rides and runs. Karena’s son, Leo, and niece, Zoena, both participated in the London event. The event was a huge success, raising over £17,000 for the girls at Assunta Primary and Secondary Schools – far surpassing the initial target of £5,000! 

Lawrence Adekoya, Ravi and Meg Saunders in London

Spencer Robinson in California

Archie Hall in Hong Kong

Jacob Nierenberg in Portland

Lawrence Adekoya in London

Thank You...

“Teacher Jeannie is very kind. HVT gives us meals and tuition. I am proud to be part of HVT! I love my HVT teachers and want to study hard.”

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