The Harinder Veriah Trust helps give children from some of the poorest backgrounds in Malaysia the very best chance to succeed in life – by making sure they have all they need to get the most from their school.

We provide financial and educational assistance for poor children to progress through Assunta Primary School and Assunta Secondary School in order to give them a decent chance in life. Both are all-girl schools.

Too many girls at the school – in Petaling Jaya near Kuala Lumpur – come from very poor families. They rarely get a decent meal and affording school uniform and books is a big challenge.

They miss out on much that school can offer – and face the prospect of a life of poverty and low expectations. Already we have helped hundreds of children by providing what they need to succeed at school.

How we do it…

We give help in three ways:


by providing free school uniforms, shoes, socks, satchel, stationery and school fees;


by providing a decent daily lunch;


and by providing special tuition – two hours of extra classes each week by a dedicated and skilful team of tutors.


And who we are

The Trust was set up in memory of Harinder Veriah, an outstanding young lawyer who died tragically at the age of 33. She was educated at Assunta Primary school and subsequently Assunta Secondary School – and it is today’s pupils at both schools who we aim to help.

The Harinder Veriah Trust is proud to say that all of the income it receives is passed on directly to the children. There are no costs of administration either in Malaysia or the UK. The scheme enjoys the enthusiastic support and co-operation of the headteacher and the staff at Assunta Primary School and is run by Malaysians, some of whom were once pupils at the school. The scheme was extended to Assunta Secondary School in 2014.

Thank You...

“The HVT teachers are very kind. HVT gives us uniforms, school bags, books and stationery. HVT helps students who are poor.”

Reanuga A/P Pannir Selvam Std 5