May Day! ABC 4
On Tuesday the 1st May, the Trust ran the fourth in its series of ABC comedy nights. The ‘International Workers Day Special’ was once again held at the Bill Murray pub in Islington, and featured performances by Lazy Susan (Edinburgh Fringe festival Best Newcomer Award nominees 2014), Olga Koch (Leicester Square New Comedian of the Year finalist 2016), Good Kids and Mat Ewins (Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee 2017). It was all held together by the Trust’s sketch-duo-in-residence Moon. The ABC nights have raised over £1000 for the Trust so far – watch this space for news of more to come!
Thank You...

“Firstly, I like thank the HVT programme. They have helped my family by giving me uniforms, school shoes, meals on a daily basis during recess and revision books to study.The tuition has helped me improve my writing skills and I am better at my school work. I would also like to thank the teachers for teaching me how to be successful in school.”
Joey Std 6