Chair of the trust visits the three Assunta Schools

May 27, 2015

On 23 April, Martin Jacques, the chair of the Harinder Veriah Trust, spent a day with Puan Tan, the Head of Assunta Primary School 2, and her colleagues, the Head of Assunta Secondary School and her team, and representatives from Assunta Primary School 1. The result was exciting new perspectives for the work of the […]

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Tuition Classes Now Underway

March 12, 2015

HVT session 2015 started on 26th February 2015. This year, tuition sessions are conducted on every Thursday afternoon from 1.15 p.m to 3.30 p.m as our HVT girls attend school in the morning session. Our HVT girls have a quick nutritious lunch, provided under the HVT programme, in the school canteen. After that, they head […]

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Malaysian Café Evening a Resounding Success!

February 10, 2015

Our Malaysian Café Evening held on December 6th was a great success. There were over 70 present and somehow everyone managed to pack into the EC2 Noodle Express in Clerkenwell, London. The atmosphere was marvellous. Nick and his team at the restaurant served up some splendid Malaysian food. Tracy Brabin organised some great entertainment on […]

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Record numbers in 2015

The new school year in Malaysia started in January and finishes in November. We are pleased to report that for the 2015 school year there has been a significant increase in the number of girls the Harinder Veriah Trust is supporting. In 2014, 41 students were enrolled in Assunta Primary School: for the 2015 school […]

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Thank You...

“Teacher Jeannie is very kind. HVT gives us meals and tuition. I am proud to be part of HVT! I love my HVT teachers and want to study hard.”

Puteri Nur Hayat Std 5