Martin’s half-marathon at Coventry

A BIG Thank you to our Donors and Supporters for cheering Martin on to a 4 place finish in his age group! He says:

“I regret to inform our very generous donors there will be no refunds.

I finished the Coventry Half Marathon!

The weather was miserable, it was around three degrees centigrade, and it poured with rain until the very end.

And the last 4-5 miles were tough-going.

But, despite all, it was great fun.

Most importantly of all, our generous donors contributed over £4,100, which, with gift aid, meant £5000 for the Harinder Veriah Trust.

That is a terrific contribution to our work in supporting girls from very underprivileged girls at the Assunta Primary and Secondary Schools in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

Many, many thanks for your kindness and generosity.

Best wishes,


Thank You...

“When I came to Assunta I could not even read a word. After attending HVT tuition I can read millions and millions of books! God bless them. I am given a school bag, stationery and meals. I am taught English, Mathematics and Science. God bless HVT!!”

Esther Std 5