Beautiful new greeting cards are now available to purchase, designed by HVT students Sumaiya and Alisya of Assunta primary school.

Since the cost of the cards has been covered by a donation every single penny you spend on them will go directly to girls supported by the trust in Malaysia.

The cards are blank inside, so can be used for any occasion all year round – from now until Christmas!

The artwork from both cards can be seen below. Cards are A5 landscape (210mm x 148mm) and printed in the highest quality.

Prices are:

1 card for £1

A set of 5 cards for £5

Designed by Kim for HVT.

By Kimomio.

Designed by Kim for HVT.

By Kimomio.

To order please fill out this order form and follow one of two options:

1. Bank transfer your payment and email an order form to

Bank details: HARINDER VERIAH (UK) Trust, Account No.: 59039124, Sort Code: 60-02-05, Ref.: CARDS

2. Send us a cheque (payable to Harinder Veriah (UK) Trust) or cash with an order form to:

Martin Jacques (Chairman), Flat 55, The Pryors, East Heath Road, London NW3 1BP

Thanks in advance for your support!

Some of our older cards are also available for purchase. The artwork for them can be seen below.

Prices are:

1 card for £3

4 cards for £8

12 cards for £20


‘Butterflies on Blue’ by Alisya Sofea binti Elias, age 8       (blank inside) 


‘Commas’ by Sumaiya binti Elias, age 12       (blank inside) 

Thank You...

“Firstly, I like thank the HVT programme. They have helped my family by giving me uniforms, school shoes, meals on a daily basis during recess and revision books to study.The tuition has helped me improve my writing skills and I am better at my school work. I would also like to thank the teachers for teaching me how to be successful in school.”

Joey Std 6